The Cortese-Krott lab was actively involved in the last Nitric Oxide Gordon Research Conference “Molecular Mechanisms of Nitric Oxide Signaling in…
Lisa´s talk entitled “p38 MAPKα is a key regulator of cardiac glucose metabolism for adapting to pressure overload” was selected by a selection…
The winner of this year’s Eden’s Prize is Dr. rer. nat. Sofia Urner. Sofia was awarded this prize in recognition for her exceptional scientific work…
Mina Yakoub has two good reasons to celebrate. He submitted his PhD Thesis in April and has been awarded an IRTG 1902 Postdoc Start Up Funding grant,…
Congratulations to Lisa Pogge von Strandmann for receiving a poster award during the 98th Annual Meeting of the German Physiological Society which was…
Congrats to Kim Krott! He wons the Poster Award for „The active recruitment of red blood cells during hemostasis and thrombus formation“ at…
Phil-Torben Müller, medical doctoral student of the International Research Training Group 1902 (IRTG 1902) - Gödecke work group, won the first prize…
The International Research Training group 1902 and Robert M. Berne Cardiovascular Research Center sponsored two poster prizes and these were awarded…
The International Research Training Group (IRTG 1902) congratulates Lucia Leitner and Mirjam Pfeffer (Department of Cardiovascular Physiology) for the…
The International Resarch Training Group (IRTG 1902) congratulates Guang Yang (Department of Internal Medicine/Nephrology) for the Onsite Trainee…