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Successful Gordon Conference 2023 for the Cortese-Krott Lab!

Jun Ji Li, Sophia Heuser, Anthea Lo Bue, Miriam Cortese-Krott, Brant Isakson and Luke Dunaway

The Cortese-Krott lab was actively involved in the last Nitric Oxide Gordon Research Conference “Molecular Mechanisms of Nitric Oxide Signaling in Health and Disease” in Ventura, CA from February 12-17, 2023. The GRC is a premier scientific forum focused on advancing the frontiers of science through the presentation of cutting-edge and unpublished research with the purpose of advancing the field.

Miriam Cortese-Krott was invited to present her unpublished work during the plenary session and organized the “GRC Power hour”, an informal and collegial plenary discussion to address diversity and inclusion in the scientific community for colleagues of all career stages (from: https://www.grc.org/nitric-oxide-conference/2023/). She was also involved in the organization of the meeting as a co-chair elected.

Our Congrats goes to Sophia Heuser who won the young investigator award for her excellent presentation!

They also had the chance to meet their UVA collaboration partner Brant Isakson and his Postdoc Luke Dunaway. Brant was a keynote speaker and successfully concluded the meeting.

Anthea, Sophia, Junjie and Luke also attended the Gordon research seminars meeting ahead of the GRC, a forum for young doctoral and postdoctoral students organized by the students themselves.

Anthea took over the role as a discussion leader, Junjie was a speaker during this meeting. For the upcoming GRS in 2025, Sophia and Luke were selected as chairs!

https://www.grc.org/nitric-oxide-grs-conference/2023/ .

We are looking forward to the GRC in 2025 which will be organized by Miriam Cortese-Krott as Chair!



Participating in the GRC/GRS was a great experience. Starting with the GRS, where young researchers could exchange ideas and give talks as well as present posters, the focus was on encouraging PhD students and postdocs. During the GRC I had the opportunity to meet the leading scientists in the field of nitric oxide research. Their knowledge and expertise in the field gave me many new approaches and ideas for projects. The conference offered an informal atmosphere, where there was a possibility to exchange ideas not only during the poster sessions and talks, but also during the common meals and the free afternoon. I also had the opportunity to present my PhD project in a short talk. In addition, the Nobel laureate Louis Ignarro was present, who talked about his career.

In summary, the week in Ventura was a unique experience characterized by networking and scientific exchange. Organizing the GRS in 2025 will be a new exciting experience in my future.

I was happy to be supported by the travel grant, HeRa, of HHU for this conference.



It was my first joining the GRC and GRS, which impressed me a lot in many ways. The GRS provides young researchers an opportunity to communicate and share about academic study and life. Presenting my project on GRS was a great experience followed by delightful discussion and valuable suggestions. At GRC, I received tons of ideas and advice from those pioneers during the talks as well as poster sessions. All the participants enjoyed a friendly and charismatic atmosphere throughout the whole conference, which encouraged all of us to express ourselves without stress or concerns. Participating in such a top scientific conference provided me with a platform for hearing highly relevant medical basic and clinical science. It also helped me to build a network with peers worldwide and plan my academic research paths. I would like to thank especially the travel grant supported by HeRa from Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.



The opportunity to have participated at the GRC/GRS was a very intense experience for me and exceeded all my expectations. Indeed, the various talks given by the best scientists in the field have enriched and inspired me so much, giving me even more strength and passion for research. I personally had the opportunity to present my research project as a poster and this was a very important experience for me because I had the chance to interface directly with brilliant scientists, with whom I had the pleasure to exchange ideas and opinions openly. The friendly atmosphere also allowed us to enjoy our free time together, during which I got to know people with similar interests, but at the same time with different experiences and cultures, which enriched me on a personal level. In this way, this event allowed me to build my own network of scientists from worldwide that could lead me to future work opportunities.

At the end of this experience I can firmly say that I came back more aware and passionate, and enhanced by a lot of advice and new ideas that will be useful in pursuing my research goals.

I am really glad and thankful to have been supported by the travel grant HeRa from the Heinrich-Heine Universität.

Sophia Heuser

Junjie Li

Anthea Lo Bue

Miriam Cortese-Krott