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Prices and Honours

Lisa Kalfhues wins 2. Prize of the Rudi-Busse-Young Investigator Award 2020

Lisa´s talk entitled “p38 MAPKα is a key regulator of cardiac glucose metabolism for adapting to pressure overload” was selected by a selection committee of the German Society o0f Cardiology to be presented during a special session for of the Rudi Busse Young investigator Award for Experimental Cardiac Research at the 86. Annual Meeting/ Heart Days of the German Society of Cardiology. Due to the Corona Virus pandemic, the contest as the whole congress was held via Internet.

Lisa, who joined IRTG1902 in 2016, recently defended her thesis and has now won the 2nd prize of the Rudi-Busse Award. Successful days! Congratulations, Lisa

Kategorie/n: Prices & Honours
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